Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Good Lord!

As the title says...GOOD LORD I was worried about not having enough time to train for the Cardiff Half 6 months ago??!!  What about now I only have 6 WEEKS?

Where the hell has the summer gone??  I was hoping to be some sort of slim legged gazelle by now, gracefully running miles with ease. 

But no, I am still the same donkey, stumbling along hating every minute.  Hmm. 

What with Glastonbury, graduation, holidays and the fact I kept saying "Still 3 months to go.....Still 2 months to go etc" mean neither me or Mike have done hardly any training.  Bloody excuses!

Anyway, now the training really has started.  I am running home from work 4 days a week making the journey gradually longer each time by detouring and getting in a long run every weekend.  Ah the elusive weekend long run....if only I could avoid the wine the previous night I might actually make it.  But now I must.  And no excuses.  Or wine prob :-(

As I have read many times on running websites/magazines etc "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail".  How depressing and true. 

Anyway I need to go into town on my lunch to get some duct tape (?)...electrical tape ? Whatever it is called.  To wrap around my feet to prevent blisters on my inside arches as I still have not got round to buying any proper trainers to fit my stupid narrow feet. (I know, I know...most people use plasters but I cant afford the price tag on those packs of blister plasters - £5 for 5 - as I need one every time I run because they always come unstuck)
I have to get changed into my kit in work to be able to run home and everybody in my office thinks I am completely mental when they see me taping my feet up.  I dont care, let them feel the pain of these monster blisters and see who is laughing then.

Ps. In the event of forgetting to bring the electrical tape, brown parcel tape is not a good substitute.  Having tried this yesterday has resulted in two blisters merging into one monster, one from the trainers as usual and one from the parcel tape which came unstuck within a mile and rubbed until I took it off half a mile from home. 
Lesson learnt...accept no substitute!


  1. That fooled me... you changing your blog name! I saw it in the list and half wondered whose blog it was, and now it turns out to be you! Love those donkey pics, but oh, your poor feet. x

  2. Hi Rose! Glad to see you're back in blogland! Your write up gave me a good laugh in my lunch hour - and boy, was it needed! Anyway, hope the blisters are improving, and good luck with the running. And you are nothing like a donkey (well, only when viewed from behind!)xxx

  3. haha hi nicky! better behind than from the front...i guess?!! loL! I am trying to keep this one updated cos as long as I remember to write in it once a week or so I usually have something to put/moan about. thanks both for your comments!xxx
