Monday, 22 November 2010


God I am rubbish at blogging.  Fact.  I have not updated this in over a month even though lots of things have happened....I will do a short summary:

1)  I ran the half marathon!  Except it wasnt a half marathon, it was measured wrong and was actually 0.1 miles too short or something ridiculous.  Luckily I started in the slowest possible pen with all the old ladies dressed in pink cowboy hats so I had to run a good 0.5 miles to even cross the start line.

2) Remember that dickhead that I work with?  You know, the fat loser one?  (I am not "fattist" but this guy deserves every insult going)  anyway he pushed my anger to new levels a couple of weeks ago by winding a lecturer up by telling her she was not going to get paid and telling them to phone me to ask WHY.  In fact they were going to get paid and I had taken the spreadhseet with the payments into payroll the prevoius day.  I managed to calm the irate lecturer down and explain that he (the idiot lazy arse) had made a mistake.  When I confronted him he said he couldnt be bothered to check on the spreadsheet THAT WAS ON THE DESK NEXT TO HIM so just told her she was not getting paid and to speak to me.  So he winds her up and send her my way for NO reason at all. Nice one you fucking tool.  I could have written a post on this, see? 

4)  Other stuff has happened that I can't remember.  In a month all I can think of is those 2 things?!?!

I have eaten a lot of mince pies and chocolate cake but that's not really newsworthy as it is a frequent occurence.  Must blog better to avoid this seive brain when it comes to writing up all the weeks I have missed.