Why do the weekends go so quickly? Although, having said that it is Monday today and the day has flown so I hope this is a sign of a quick week in work.
I was in work today by 8.40 as I was slightly late because of my spin class but that is standard nowadays. The class finishes at 7.45 then I have to shower and dry my hair, do my make up and then walk for a mile (uphill too!) with my heavy gym bag to get to work.
I have to cross three major roads on the way which always take ages for the green man on the traffic lights cos by then it is rush hour in central Swansea. So it always feels like it takes ages for me to get to work! Thank God for flexi time!
Me and Mike have started running together after work as we are going to try and train for the Cardiff Half Marathon in October. Since I suggested it though I have had a crisis of confidence and don't know if we are giving ourselves long enough to train, 13 miles seems such a looong way having never done any real running before! But from what the people on the forums say, 6 months is possible so I guess we are just going to have to see how we get on.
We are going tonight too and I'm looking forward to it, we've mapped out 2 miles and are going to try that to start with and gradually build up. I want to get the running bug!!
I have managed to make myself have the spinning bug, I never miss a morning class on a week day. This time in a month I want to be saying the same thing about running..............